Non-coding RNAs
50 Years Shine-Dalgarno Symposium 2023
Monday, 5th June
Tuesday, 6th June
Wednesday, 7th June
RNA Diagnostics & Therapies
Non-coding RNAs
RNA Processing and Protein Synthesis
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning in RNA Science
Cell Systems to study RNA
RNA Synthetic Biology
Research Translation
Non-coding RNAs
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Tuesday, 6th June
Chairs: Anthony Millar & Rakshanya Sekar
Exploring the Role of Architectural Long Noncoding RNAs in Shaping and Regulating Phase-Separated Cellular bodies
Tetsuro Hirose
Ping-pong independent piRNA biogenesis in Drosophila
Rippei Hayashi
Preferential Formation Of Z-RNA Over i-Motifs In Long Non-Coding RNA
Uditi Bhatt
Extracellular vesicles and their miRNA cargo as novel therapeutics for retinal degenerations
Yvette Wooff
Abstract unavailable
Yue Wan