Aida Ouangraoua 50 Years Shine-Dalgarno Symposium 2023

Aida Ouangraoua

Aïda Ouangraoua (Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2007, Université de Bordeaux, France) is a professor at Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada where she holds the Canada Research Chair in Computational and Biological Complexity. Her research group focuses on developing models and algorithms to understand the intertwined evolution of genomes, genes and RNA transcripts. Aïda is also engaged in community service, currently as associate editor for Bioinformatics Advances, Journal of Computational Biology, and Molecular Biology and Evolution, and she is a regular PC member or chair of top bioinformatics conferences such as WABI, RECOMB-CG, GLBIO, and ISMB.

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